Until now dog training has been "a top-down managerial philosophy and practice"

top-down /ˈtäp ˌdoun / adjective:  denoting a system of government or management in
which actions and policies are initiated at the highest level; hierarchical.



In the beginning dogs found us of value.  They watched and observed in order to learn how to best live and work with us and how to be useful. By doing this they provided exactly what we needed at the time.

Today we spend a lot of time and admit it, frustration trying to fit our canine partners into our imagined idea of a relationship.   More often than not this falls flat for the dog.  We are trying to do what dogs did all those years ago, but backwards and very poorly.

In the coming episodes I will  be exploring some topics, concepts and techniques on my own and with guests. I believe every episode will drop food for thought for even the most seasoned dog owners.